Curriculum created by phonology experts

SAUNDZ is simple and straightforward, and you will quickly get the hang of it.  However, you should not be fooled into thinking that SAUNDZ is not a serious educational software application.

SAUNDZ curriculum has been created so that after you finish all the lessons in the carefully planned prescribed order (without skipping lessons) your pronunciation skills will be notably better.  At times, you may feel a bit bored by the constant repetition; however, that is a mostly unavoidable result of – the necessary “repeat until perfect” aspect of pronunciation lessons.  Stick with it and you will see and most importantly HEAR the results.

SAUNDZ includes more than 400 words with dictionary definitions, which is more than enough to enhance your understanding of the basic speech and pronunciation patterns in American English.  In SAUNDZ you will mainly encounter simple mono- or di-syllabic words; however, if you look closer you may realize that they are not as simple as they first appear.

“Of course, I know how to pronounce the word how”, you may think.  Indeed, this is a very simple, monosyllabic word whose meaning is more or less familiar to anyone.  Still, even with a simple word like this, you can most likely spot many differences between your pronunciation and Simone’s.

Mispronouncing words can lead to significant misunderstandings, which is why you should perfect your spoken English with SAUNDZ.

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